i've done some shopping
undskyld for gigaupload, men nu har jeg endelig fået stjålet noget stabilt internet her på motellet i rapid city, tæt ved mount rushmore.
sorry for the huge upload stream, but i've finally found internet that i can steal on the motel in rapid city, near mount rushmore.
jeg vil lige vise de få, men gode ting jeg har købt ind til videre!
i just want to show the few but good things i've bought over here so far!
$5 at wal mart, bozeman, and $37 in some indian shop in cody, wyoming
dress, $17 in pacsun, bozeman
light blue and brown shirt, $2.50 in pacsun, montana
and these really good (in my opinion) levi's shorts (de er ikke så krøllede normalt!), $13 dollars in sears, billings
sorry for the huge upload stream, but i've finally found internet that i can steal on the motel in rapid city, near mount rushmore.
jeg vil lige vise de få, men gode ting jeg har købt ind til videre!
i just want to show the few but good things i've bought over here so far!
$5 at wal mart, bozeman, and $37 in some indian shop in cody, wyoming
dress, $17 in pacsun, bozeman
light blue and brown shirt, $2.50 in pacsun, montana
and these really good (in my opinion) levi's shorts (de er ikke så krøllede normalt!), $13 dollars in sears, billings
Postat av: dolly
jättefina saker :)
Postat av: e
tusind tak!