when was that summer when it never rained
internettet her på ranchen er så dårligt, at jeg - trods mange forsøg - ikke har kunne uploade billeder til bloggen, uden at det hele er gået amok. så nu forsøger jeg mig med tekst.
the internet connection on the ranch is so bad that my hopes of uploading pictures have been killed multiple times now, so i'll just give text a try.
i morgen fortsætter vi vores rejse, hvilket betyder, at vi skal forlade ranchen,
særligt min far, hans jørgen og peter har udlevet cowboydrømmen herude, så det er jo perfekt. mor og jeg har været ude at ride et par gange, og de gange har jeg virkeilg nydt, men mit knæ kan ikke klare mere (jeg forvred mit knæ engang, da jeg stod på ski. det kan jeg stadig mærke, når jeg bruger det ved f.eks. ridning).
naturen omkring os er fuldstændig utrolig. bjerge overalt, en lille flod løber lige forbi vores træhytte. jeg har haft masser af tid til at læse, og jeg er næsten færdig med en virkelig god bog, jeg godt kan anbefale. middlesex af jeffrey eugenides.
tomorrow we are continuing our trip, which means leaving the ranch.
especially my dad, hans jørgen and my brother have lived out their cowboy dream out here, so that's perfect. my mother and i have been riding a couple of times, i've enjoyed those times very much, but my knee isn't capable of doing any more riding (i once twisted my knee while skiing, and i can still feel that sometimes).
the nature around the ranch is so incredible. mountains all around us, a creek flows right next to our log cabin. i have read a lot, and i've almost finished an amazing book that i can recommend to all of you this summer. middlesex by jeffrey eugenides.
we have swallows under the roof in our cabin, and i've taken a picture for elina, but i can't upload it. some time soon i will upload all the pictures.
sounds fun! where are you going next?
i went to the library today and got the middlesex book.
hi hannah, now we are in rapid city, close to mount rushmore. it's so nice. are you alright?
i hope you like it, i think that it is very moving sometimes. and some of it takes place in berlin!
i have started reading the virgin suicides, but i will have finished soon and then middlesex is the book to read!